Wealth Mastery for Women:


Jennifer Burnham-Grubbs & AdaPia D’Errico

with @LeadHERship Global and WOW

Occurs the third Wednesday of every month through December 2022

9:00 am PT / 11:00 am CT / 12:00 pm ET

Facilitators:  Jennifer Burnham-Grubbs & AdaPia d’Errico

We’ll explore a wide variety of financial wellness topics ranging from crypto to crowdfunding, real estate to risk management, and much more. Please come join us for a powerful discussion and opportunity to go further in your financial empowerment journey!

Women have overcome daunting generational barriers to financial independence.  Yet, most women don’t feel comfortable talking about money and they are far behind men when it comes to building wealth.

Wealth isn’t just measured by the money you earn, inherit or save; wealth is measured by how you manage it. With the lion’s share of $30 trillion in financial assets expected to be controlled by women by 2030, it’s time to learn how to master wealth, as a woman.

Join us every month for a thought-provoking discussion about financial strategies, tools, products, and practical takeaways for building a healthy financial foundation and generational wealth that is aligned with your goals and values.

Many, many thanks to LeadHERship Global for creating the space to hold this incredible forum!! Register here:
